1. Entrepreneurial Journal of Management Sciences, a journalof the College of Management Sciences publishes articles in any area of Management Sciences.
  2. Articles should normally be about 4000 to 5500 words. Book review should not be more than 1000 words.
  3. An abstract (in English) not exceeding 250 words should be included.
  4. Two hard copies and a soft copy (Disc) are to be submitted. The soft copy should be produced using Microsoft Word or word perfect for window programme.
  5. The cover page should indicate title, author’s name and address to which the reviewed papers are to be sent.
  6. As much as possible, footnotes should be avoided. Very crucial notes should be numbered consecutively and placed at the end of the article.
  7. References should be arranged alphabetically and placed at the end of the article. The preferred format is exemplified below:


Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of Management at Journal, 9(33), 692-724.


  1. Author(s) and publishers are invited to send any book they would like the journal to review.
  2. All contributors will receive a free copy of the issue in which their article appears. They should therefore endeavor to inform the Editor-in-Chief of any change in their addresses.
  3. All manuscripts for publication considerations should be sent to:


The Editor-in-Chief

Entrepreneurial Journal of Management Sciences,

College of Management Sciences,

Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin,

PMB 1601, Ilorin, Nigeria.

E-Mail: [email protected]


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The Business Manager

Entrepreneurial Journal of Management Sciences,

College of Management Sciences,

Al-Hikmah University,

PMB 1601, Ilorin, Nigeria