1 | Kapur Chard A. | Principles of political science | JQ66 | | 2011 |
2 | Charles W. Kegley (et…al) | World politics Trend and transformation | JQ306.C43 | 1 | 2011 |
3 | Juliet Kaarbo(et…la) | Global politics | JA.66.J85 | 1 | 2011 |
4 | Kolawole .M. & Awodun .M. ed | Statecraft: Laying the foundation for modern development | JF3090.K75 | 1 | 2011 |
5 | Charles W. Kegley (et…al) | World politics Trend and transformation | JZ.83.C43 | 1 | 2011 |
6 | Juliet Kaarbo(et…al) | Global politics | JF60.J85 | 1 | 2011 |
7 | Roskin Micheal G. (et…al) | Political science: An introduction | JC.311.R67 | 1 | 2010 |
8 | Varna S.P | Modern political theory | JC511.S7 | 1 | 2010 |
9 | Mukherjee Subrata & Rama Swamy S. | A history of political thought: Plato to Marx | JS113.R36 | 1 | 2010 |
10 | Henry Nicholas | Public administration & public affairs | JF1338.H45 | 1 | 2010 |
11 | Agarwal R.C | Political theory: Principles of political science | JA66.A43 | 1 | 2010 |
12 | Rourke John T. | International politics on the world stage | JA66.2.R68 | 1 | 2009 |
13 | Asir Vatham Eddy | Political theory | JA66.A75 | 1 | 2009 |
14 | Olaopa Tunji | Theory and practice of public Administration and civil service reform in Nigeria | JF1338.A2.O53 | 1 | 2008 |
15 | Orewa Oka G. | We are all Guilty | JQ3090 O78 | | 2008 |
16 | Albert Isaac O. [et…al] | Perspective on the 2003 Elections in Nigeria | JQ162.A32 | 1 | 2007 |
17 | Albert Olawale | Animus and Apologia | JZ231.A53 | 2 | 2007 |
18 | Anifowoshe Remi | Nigeria Beyond 2007 | JQ561.A65 | 1 | 2007 |
19 | Azaiki Steve | Inequalities in Nigerian Politics | JS211.A93 | 1 | 2007 |
20 | Babawale Tunde | Urban Violence, Ethics, Militias and the Challenge of democratic consolidation in Nigeria | JS302.B33 | 1 | 2007 |
21 | Gaya Shedrach | Introduction to peace and conflict studies in west Africa | JN321.G39 | 1 | 2007 |
22 | Gideon Cyrus [et…al] [ed.] | Reading in African Political thought | JA66.G53 | 1 | 2007 |
23 | Idasa | National Campaign on the reduction of Electoral Violence | JF52.I43 | 1 | 2007 |
24 | Ikotun Ayodele | Leadership | JF2051.165 | 1 | 2007 |
25 | Imam Bello B | Local government system in Nigeria | JS7686.I35 | 1 | 2007 |
26 | Jega M. Attahiru | Democracy and Government | JQ3096.J23 | 1 | 2007 |
27 | Jimmy Carter | Palestine Peace not Apartheid | JA66.J45 | 1 | 2007 |
28 | Kukah Hassan Mathew | Democracy and civil Society in Nigeria | JQ3096.K85 | 1 | 2007 |
29 | Mbah Mazi | Foundation of political science | JA66.M33 | 1 | 2007 |
30 | Mukoro Akpomuvire | Human resources training and development for the civil service in Nigeria | JQ3096.M85 | 2 | 2007 |
31 | O’Hear Anthony | Philosophy of science | JS205.O43 | 1 | 2007 |
32 | Okunoye O. James | Nigeria from Colonialism to past independency | JF515.22O65 | 2 | 2007 |
33 | Osaghae E. Egbosa, [et…al] [ed] | The Management of the National question | JQ251.O73 | 1 | 2007 |
34 | Osaghae Eghosa | The Management of the Quest in Nigeria | JQ251.O73 | 1 | 2007 |
35 | Palmer D. Norman | International Relation | JZ1305.P24 | 2 | 2007 |
36 | Oyediran Oyeleye | Nigerian Constitution Development | JQ515.O93 | 3 | 2007 |
37 | Taffa Paul. | Profile in Courage | JQ306.T34 | 1 | 2007 |
38 | Zillah Eisenstein | Sexual Decoys | HV6250.4.N65 | 1 | 2007 |
39 | Anifowoshe Remi [et…al] | Violence and politics in Nigeria | JQ305.A35 | 1 | 2006 |
40 | Azaiki Steve | Oil Politics and Blood | JQ3082.A93 | 1 | 2006 |
41 | Babawale Tunde | Nigerian in Crises of Governance | JZ1228.B37 | 1 | 2006 |
42 | Basu Rumki | Public administration | JF13348.B37 | 1 | 2006 |
43 | Bhagwan Vishnoo | World constitution | JQ251.B43 | 1 | 2006 |
44 | Oguntomisin G.O. | political Systems of Nigerian People up to 1900 | JQ305.O48 | 1 | 2006 |
45 | Hastedt, G.P | American foreign policy: Past, Present, & future | JF401.H37 | 1 | 2006 |
46 | Ikotun Ayodele | Forging A Virile: Strategic Alliance | JQ625.I56 | 1 | 2006 |
47 | Johari J.C. | International relation and Politics | JF305.J64 | 1 | 2006 |
48 | Laski J. Harold | Grammar of politics | JA86.L37 | 2 | 2006 |
49 | Magbadelo Olusola John | Nigeria’s Transition to Democracy and development | JF281.M34 | 1 | 2006 |
50 | Mbah C.C. Mazi | Political Theory and methodology | JF601.M33 | 1 | 2006 |
51 | Muggah Robert [ed] | No refuge | JQ201.M85 | 1 | 2006 |
52 | Emmanuel M.P. | Peace to the modern World | JZ527.E66 | 1 | 2006 |
53 | Robert Roger | How parliament Works | JQ276.R63 | 1 | 2006 |
54 | Varma S.P. | Modern political theory | JF305.V37 | 1 | 2006 |
55 | Saliu A Hassan | Essays on Contemporary Nigerian Foreign policy | JN261.S35 | 1 | 2006 |
56 | Saliu A Hassan [et…al] | Democracy and development in Nigeria | JQ3096.S35 | 1 | 2006 |
57 | Kapur Chard A. | Select constitutions | JF3021.K37 | 1 | 2006 |
58 | Adamolekun ladipo [ed.] | Public Administration in Africa | JF1338.A2.A33 | 1 | 2005 |
59 | Adebayo Ulokoshi [et…al] [ed.] | Beyond the State: Nigeria’s search for positive leadership | HV4628.A34 | 1 | 2005 |
60 | Ademola Ishola | Ekiti Parapo Aspiration | JC75.1.A44 | 1 | 2005 |
61 | Adeniji Olu | Essays on Nigerian foreign policy and governance and international security | JN821.A34 | 1 | 2005 |
62 | Almond A Gabriel | Comparative politics today | JF3091.A56 | 1 | 2005 |
63 | Alonge K. | Principles and Practice of governing of men: Nigeria and the world in perspective | JN1012.A56 | 1 | 2005 |
64 | Fabayo J.A. | Quantitative techniques for economic and management decisions | JF305.F34 | 1 | 2005 |
65 | Garba Joe | Diplomatic Soldering | JZ1318.G38 | 1 | 2005 |
66 | Irukwu J. O. | Nigeria the Last Chance | JQ3096.I78 | 1 | 2005 |
67 | Irukwu J.O. | Nigeria the last chance | JQ3096.I78 | 1 | 2005 |
68 | Justice Prince | The Black world: from Evolution to revolution | JS451.J85 | 1 | 2005 |
69 | Olukotun Ayo | Repressive State and Resurgent Media Under Nigeria’s military Dictatorship | JN1206.O58 | 1 | 2005 |
70 | Olurode Lai[ed.] | Nigeria: People and Culture | JF161.O58 | 1 | 2005 |
71 | Onye Oziri | The citizen and the State | JZ1318.O69 | 1 | 2005 |
72 | Onyeoziri Fred | The Citizen and the state | JS201.O69 | 1 | 2005 |
73 | Osundina David | Nigeria’s Road Map to Political Stability | JN1031.O69 | 1 | 2005 |
74 | Reader Soran | The Philosophy of Need | JF512.O78 | 1 | 2005 |
75 | Smoker Barbara | Humanism | JN412.S66 | 1 | 2005 |
76 | Adamolekun ladipo | Public Administration in Nigeria | JF133.48.A.33 | 1 | 2004 |
77 | Adebayo Augustus | Public Administration in Nigeria | JF133.48.A34 | 1 | 2004 |
78 | Adigun A. B. (et…al) | Nigeria struggle for democracy and good Governance | JN215.A35 | 1 | 2004 |
79 | Akpan Udofia Nkereuwem | Salihu Moddibbo Alfa Belgore | JN321.A57 | 1 | 2004 |
80 | Appadorai A. | The sustainer of politics | JF301.A57 | 1 | 2004 |
81 | Banjoko OlorunLeke O. | Universal Democracy | JQ215.B45 | 1 | 2004 |
82 | Chibundu Nwaozichi Victor | Foreign Policy | JF315.B45 | 1 | 2004 |
83 | Egwalhhinde O. Festus [et…al] | Intergovernmental relations in Nigeria | JZ6048.E59 | 1 | 2004 |
84 | Freeman Allan [ed.] [et…al] | Politics in Empire | JF315.F74 | 1 | 2004 |
85 | Imam Bello B. [et…al] | Democratic Governance and Development Management | JQ3046.1.53 | 1 | 2004 |
86 | Michael Obi | Lesson in tolerance | JZ212.I63 | 1 | 2004 |
87 | Nwonse B.C. | The Nigeria Police in International Peace-keeping under the united Nation | JF301.N96 | 1 | 2004 |
88 | Oby Nwankwo | The Gender Dimension of Culture: Proceeding of a Cengos/ traditional Rulers. | JZ321.O39 | 1 | 2004 |
89 | Oshoko Abraham | June 12: the Struggle for Power in Nigeria | JF216.O74 | 1 | 2004 |
90 | Saighal Vinod | Dealing with global terrorism | JZ512.S34 | 1 | 2004 |
91 | Saliu A Hassan [et…al] [ed] | Political and Legal Issues | JF501.S34 | 1 | 2004 |
92 | Stoker, G | British local government into the 21st century | JN201.S68 | 1 | 2004 |
93 | Thomas Oatley | International Political Economy | JX1391.T46 | 1 | 2004 |
94 | Travers, T | The Politics of London | JF325.T73 | 1 | 2004 |
95 | Adam Uba Abdullah [ed.] | Chieftaincy and Security in Nigeria | JZ601.A33 | 1 | 2003 |
96 | Adewunmi Safe | A Season of orders | JQ201.A34 | 1 | 2003 |
97 | Akindele R.A. [ed] | Civil society, Good governance and Challenges of regional security in west Africa | JF201.A54 | 1 | 2003 |
98 | Akinola A. Anthony | Rotational Presidency | JN615.A54 | 1 | 2003 |
99 | Ambali M.A. | The Practice of Muslim Family Law | JQ216.A63 | 1 | 2003 |
100 | Bill Coxall [et…al] | Contemporary British politics | JQ614.B44 | 1 | 2003 |
101 | Blum William | Rogue state | JZ216.B58 | 1 | 2003 |
102 | Guyatt Nicholas | Another American Century | JQ301.G86 | 1 | 2003 |
103 | Hill C. | The Changing politics of Foreign policy | JA72.H55 | 1 | 2003 |
104 | Moore H. Mark | Creating Public Value | JF512.M66 | 1 | 2003 |
105 | Nwabueze Ben | Constitutional Democracy in Africa | JQ1870.N93 | 1 | 2003 |
106 | Obyrne J. Darren | Human right | JA616.O39 | 1 | 2003 |
107 | Onibonge Biodun | Element of Government and Politics. | JF210.O45 | 1 | 2003 |
108 | Akindele R.A. | Civil Society, Good Governance and the Challenge of Regional Security in West Africa | JF52.O45 | 1 | 2003 |
109 | Richard A. Pasner | Public intellectual | JF257.R53 | 1 | 2003 |
110 | Suberu T. Rotimi | Ethnic Minority conflicts and Governance in Nigeria | JN2156.S83 | 1 | 2003 |
111 | Vaughan Olufemi | Political Structure and Government in Africa | JF521.V38 | 1 | 2003 |
112 | Imobighe T.A. | The OAU (AU) and OAS in regional conflict Management: A Comparative Assessment | JF1012.I56 | 1 | 2003 |
113 | Banner Stuart | the death Penalty | HV8699.B36 | 1 | 2002 |
114 | Brubaker Rogers | Citizenship and Nationhood in France and German | JF121.B78 | 1 | 2002 |
115 | Dinleavy, P [et…al] | Development in British Politics | JN612.D56 | 1 | 2002 |
116 | Kissinger Henry | Toward a Diplomacy for the twenty. First Century | JF215.K57 | 1 | 2002 |
117 | Lowl J. Theodore [et…al] | American policy | JF205.L69 | 1 | 2002 |
118 | Onyeoziri Fred | Alternative policy options for managing the national question in Nigeria | JN212.O69 | 1 | 2002 |
119 | Rose Umoren | Economic reforms and Nigeria’s political Crisis | JQ521.R67 | 1 | 2002 |
120 | Skowronnek Stephen | The politics Presidents make Leadership from Adam to Bill Clinton | JF315.S56 | 1 | 2002 |
121 | Skrentny. D. John | The Minority Rights revolution | JN213.S57 | 1 | 2002 |
122 | Access Annual Publication on the State of Governance in Africa | African Politics, Peace and Governance Monitor | JF1228. | 1 | 2001 |
123 | Adeyemi Frank A. | The National question in search of Answer | JN218.A33 | 1 | 2001 |
124 | Akintunde Olu Dorcas | African Culture and the quest for human right | JF219.A55 | 1 | 2001 |
125 | Fawole Alade W. | Military Power and third Party Conflict meditation in west Africa | JN615.F39 | 1 | 2001 |
126 | Howe M. Herbert | Military Forces in African States | JN615.F59 | 1 | 2001 |
127 | Imam Bello B. | Local Government Finance in Nigeria | JS2656.I63 | 1 | 2001 |
128 | Khadiagala M. Gilbert | African Foreign Policy | JA24.K43 | 1 | 2001 |
129 | Khadigala M. Gilbert [ed] | African Foreign polices | JA24.K43 | 1 | 2001 |
130 | Kusamotu Gboyega | Nigeria Federalism and Separation of powers | JC215.K87 | 1 | 2001 |
131 | Kusamotu Gboyega | We the people: Nigerian Federalism and Separation of Powers | JQ315.K87 | 1 | 2001 |
132 | Lipede A.A. | Pan Africanism in Southern Africa | JF321.L47 | 1 | 2001 |
133 | Nancy burns | The Private roots of Public action | JN212.N35 | 1 | 2001 |
134 | Nzeogwu Peter O. | Major C.K. Nzeogwu | DT515.832.N98 | | 2001 |
135 | Obe Ad’obe [ed] | A New Dawn | JQ3089.5S.O24 | 4 | 2001 |
136 | Sesay Amadu [ed.] | Civil wars, Child Soldier and Post Conflict Peace Building in west Africa | JQ615.S37 | 1 | 2001 |
137 | Shively W. Philips | Power and Choice | JF12.S45 | 1 | 2001 |
138 | | Political evolution and Constitutional development in Nigeria | JF325. | 1 | 2000 |
139 | Ajakaiye Olu [et…al] | Meeting the challenge of sustainable Democracy in Nigeria | JF25.A53 | 1 | 2000 |
140 | Atanda J.A. | Political system of Nigeria people up to 1900 | JA66.A83 | 1 | 2000 |
141 | Baker Bruce | Escape from political disengagement and it’s consequences domination in Africa | JQ1391.B35 | 1 | 2000 |
142 | Eso Kayode | The Mystery Gunman | HN751.E76 | 1 | 2000 |
143 | Kavanagh Dennis | British politics | JF2051.K39 | 1 | 2000 |
144 | Palmer D. Norman | Political Science | JA66.P35 | 1 | 2000 |
145 | Robins, L | Debates in British politics today | JF2051.R63 | 1 | 2000 |
146 | The world Bank | Making transition work for everyone | HC244.W667 | 1 | 2000 |
147 | Thebaud Francoise [ed.] | A History of women in the west | HQ1121.S79513 | 1 | 2000 |
148 | Wing R.L. | The Art of Strategy | HD30.28.W56 | 1 | 2000 |
149 | Carter Stephen L. | The Dissent of the government | JC328.C27 | 1 | 1999 |
150 | Jones, Bill | Political issues in Britain today | JA66.J65 | 1 | 1999 |
151 | Nugent Neil | The Government and politics of the European Union | JA218.N83 | 1 | 1999 |
152 | Rawls John | The theory of justice | JF330.J65 | 1 | 1999 |
153 | Saliu A Hassan [ed.] | Selected themes in Nigerian foreign Policy and International relation | JC231.S35 | 1 | 1999 |
154 | Stern Jessica | The ultimate terrorist | JN1870.S84 | 1 | 1999 |
155 | Udoji Jerome | Which way Nigeria | JF571.U36 | 1 | 1999 |
156 | Amuwo Kunle [et…al] [ed] | Federalism and political restoring in Nigeria | JN201.A68 | 1 | 1998 |
157 | Jean-Jacques Rousse | The Social contract theory | JF81.J43 | 2 | 1998 |
158 | Jemibewon D.M. | The Military, Law and Society | JQ3086.C58J45 | 1 | 1998 |
159 | Mathur Shive [ed.] | Creating value | | | 1998 |
160 | Michael J. S. | Democracy Discontent | JQ309.M53 | 1 | 1998 |
161 | Joseph S. Nye | Why people don’t trust Government | JF219.A55 | 1 | 1997 |
162 | Beavon K.S.O. | Central Place Theory | JQ101.B43 | 1 | 1997 |
163 | Diamond Larry [et…al] | Transition without end | JQ3096.T77 | 1 | 1997 |
164 | Oji R O. | An introduction to political science | JF52.O55 | 1 | 1997 |
165 | Yahaya Alada Isiaka | Breaking the Myth | JQ281.T35 | 1 | 1997 |
166 | Ehiedu E.G.I | The Age of Neo-Colonialism in African | DT30.E45 | 1 | 1997 |
167 | Adetugbo Abiodun | African continuities in the Diaspora | DT31.A34 | 1 | 1996 |
168 | Chandler J.A. [ed.] | The Citizen’s Charter | JN318.C57 | | 1996 |
169 | Madsen Douglas | The Charistic bond | | | 1996 |
170 | Neilson R. Brian | western Politics thought | | | 1996 |
171 | Neufeld J.M. | The rocket and the Reich | UF535.G3N48 | | 1996 |
172 | Elshtai Bethke Jean | Democracy on Trail | JQ3096.E57 | 1 | 1995 |
173 | Imam Bello B | An ethnographic Survey of South Ibie Caln | DT515.45.E77B45 | 1 | 1995 |
174 | Soremekun Kayode | Perspectives on the Nigerian oil industry | JZ6300.S67 | 1 | 1995 |
175 | Adediran Biodun [ed.] | Ife | G8844.A34 | 1 | 1994 |
176 | African Leadership Forum | Human White’s in East an central Africa | | 1 | 1994 |
177 | Brown Paul | Greenpeace | JZ6374.B76 | 1 | 1994 |
178 | Dale Angela [et…la] | Analyzing social and political change | JC311.D35 | 1 | 1994 |
179 | Trier Jean | United Nation high commissioner for refugees | JF601.T85 | 1 | 1994 |
180 | Aniagolu A.N. | The making of the 1989 Constitution of Nigeria | JQ1820.A65 | 1 | 1993 |
181 | Nwabueze B.O.N. | Ideas and Fact in constitution making | JK301.N93 | | 1993 |
182 | Owoeye Jide [ed] | Understanding the new world order | JZ1308.U53 | 1 | 1993 |
183 | Tunji Olagunju [et…al] | Transition to Democracy in Nigeria (1985 – 1993) | JF201.T85 | 1 | 1993 |
184 | White, S. Batt [et…al] | Developments in east European Politics | JQ3095.W45 | 1 | 1993 |
185 | Agbi Olu S. | Japanese Relations with Africa 1868 -1978 | DT38.9.J3A43 | 1 | 1992 |
186 | Monk Hampsher Lain | A History of Modern Political thought | JF205.M65 | 1 | 1992 |
187 | Norlla Eduardo [ed] | Liberty, Equality democracy | JC229.T47 | 2 | 1992 |
188 | Osisioma B.C. Nwolise | The Nigeria Police in International Peace keeping under the United Nation | JQ301.O75 | 1 | 1992 |
189 | Laver, M [et…al] | Multiparty government: the Politics of coalition in Europe | JF321.L39 | 1 | 1991 |
190 | PetersonE.Williams [et…al] | Governing Germany | JF210.P48 | 1 | 1991 |
191 | Roberts, G [et…al] | A news dictionary of political analysis | JA61.R625 | | 1991 |
192 | Stemer Jurg | European Democracies | JF3094.S84 | 1 | 1991 |
193 | Buther Hugh | Local Government and thrashers | JS7056.B88 | 1 | 1990 |
194 | Fafowora Oladapo | Pressure group and foreign Policy | JN329.P7F34 | | 1990 |
195 | King, D.S [et…al] | Challenges to local government | JC75.163.K55 | 1 | 1990 |
196 | Meny, Yves | Government & politics in western Europe | JF312.M45 | 1 | 1990 |
197 | Reich B. Robert | The Power of Public Ideas | JK1764.P68 | 1 | 1990 |
198 | Savage P.S.[et…al] | Public Policy | JF1338.S39 | 1 | 1990 |
199 | Stephen White [et…al] | Communist and communist Political System | JZ216.S39 | 1 | 1990 |
200 | Ekpe L.B. | Zaire and the African Revolution | D839.E56 | 1 | 1989 |
201 | Landy, P | Parliaments in the modern world | JF331.L376 | 1 | 1989 |
202 | Lansley Stewart [et…al] | Council in conflict | JX1952.L35 | | 1989 |
203 | Mayer, Lawrence. C | Refining comparative politics | JF37.M39 | 1 | 1989 |
204 | McCoy J.J | The Plight of the Whales | QL737.C4.M352 | 1 | 1989 |
205 | Smith Gordon [et…al] | Development in west German government politics | JF3096.S56 | 1 | 1989 |
206 | Drewry, G [et…al] | The civil service today | JP217.D74 | 1 | 1988 |
207 | Obasanjo | Africa embattled | DT30.5 .O224 | 1 | 1988 |
208 | Peter Dele | Meditation | PN2093.P48 | 1 | 1988 |
209 | Stoker Gerry | The Politics of Local Government | JA66.S76 | 1 | 1988 |
210 | Mahajah V.D | Political theory | JA66.M35 | 1 | 1988 |
211 | Cole John | The Thatcher years | JN238.8C623 | 1 | 1987 |
212 | Freedman Leonard | Power and politics on America | JQ3090.A34 | 1 | 1987 |
213 | Nwankwo Arthur | The Military Option 2 democracy | DT515.8.N883 | 1 | 1987 |
214 | Sabirov Kharis | What is communism | HX246.S23 | 1 | 1987 |
215 | Fried, R. C | Comparative urban politics: a performance approach | JF60.F85 | 1 | 1986 |
216 | Beloff Max [et…al] | The Government of the UK | JN318.B425 | 1 | 1985 |
217 | Gray, A[et…al] | Administrative Politics in British government | JF1321.G83 | 1 | 1985 |
218 | James S. Coleman | Nigeria Background to Nationalism | DT515.75.C65 | 1 | 1985 |
219 | Pye W. Lucian | Asian Power and Politics | JQ36.P94 | 1 | 1985 |
220 | Randall Vicky [et…al] | Political change and underdevelopment | JA66.R35 | 1 | 1985 |
221 | McLennan Gregory | The state Idea of the Modern State | JQ216.M15 | 1 | 1984 |
222 | Wass Douglas | Government and the governed | JT515.6.W37 | 1 | 1984 |
223 | Ball R Allan | Modern politics and Government | JA70.B35 | 1 | 1983 |
224 | Finley M.I. | Politics in the Ancient world | JA60.F56 | 1 | 1983 |
225 | Hogwood Brian [et…al] | Policy Dynamics | JA66.H65 | 4 | 1983 |
226 | Keating Michael | The Government of Scotland | JN1228.K25 | 1 | 1983 |
227 | Michael Laver | Politics | JA66.M53 | 1 | 1983 |
228 | Alexander Alan | Local Government in British Since Reorganization | JS7656.A53 | 1 | 1982 |
229 | Norton Philip | The Constitution in Flux | JQ1870.N68 | 1 | 1982 |
230 | Blondel, Jean | The discipline of politics | JN215.B56 | 1 | 1981 |
231 | Rose Richard [ed] | Challenge to governance studies in overloaded polities | | | 1980 |
232 | Blondel, Jean | Thinking Politically | JA66.B56 | 1 | 1978 |
233 | Hall Phoebe | Change Choice and Conflict in Social Policy | JA71.J35 | 1 | 1978 |
234 | Lijphart arend | Democracy in Plural Society | JQ3061.L56 | 1 | 1977 |
235 | Second world Black and African Festival | Colloquium on Black civilization and Education | | | 1977 |
236 | Young, K. | Local politics & the rise of party (1894- 1963) | JS311.Y68 | 1 | 1975 |
237 | Roberts G.K | What is comparative politics? | JF51.R5 | 1 | 1972 |
238 | Giddens, Anthony | Capitalism & modern Social theory | JN41.G54 | 1 | 1971 |
239 | Finer S.E. | Comparative government | JF321.F56 | 1 | 1970 |
240 | Wiseman, H.V | Political systems: | JA66.T56 | 1 | 1966 |
241 | Thompson F Dennis | Political ethics and Public office | JA66.T53 | 1 | 1966 |
242 | Babawale tuned (ed.) | Place of research and studies in the Development of African and the African Diaspora | | 1 | |
243 | Egwaikhid O. Festus [et…al] | Intergovernmental relation in Africa | | 1 | |
244 | Falola Toyin | The political Economy of a pre- Colonial African State | JA66.F36 | 1 | 1981 |
245 | Basil Davidson | The Black Man’s Burden: Africa and the Curse of the Nation- State | JC311.D38 | 2 | |
246 | Misra K.K | Modern political theory | JZ615.M58 | 1 | |
247 | Basil Davidson | The Black man’s Burden: Africa and the Curse of the Nation-State | JC311.D38 | 2 | |