JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY 2022-03-05T20:56:51+00:00 Hameed O. Bolaji Open Journal Systems <p>The Journal of Library, Science Education and Learning Technology (JOLSELT) is an academic institution based<br>journal resident in the Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Al-Hikmah University,<br>Ilorin, Nigeria. JOLSELT is a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal on Science Education, Educational<br>Technology, Library and Information Science and other related disciplines desirous of empirical findings. The<br>aim of JOLSELT is to promote research and scholarly exercise by publishing original research, empirical,<br>position papers and review articles to contribute to the development of disciplines in education and related<br>fields. The journal website is where you can submit and read current and past<br>issues.</p> Development and Evaluation of Innovative Instructional Module for Teaching and Learning of Biology in Senior Secondary Schools 2022-03-05T20:56:44+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education is an innovative instructional approach in the 21<sup>st</sup> century. Given its innovative nature, there seems to be a paucity of the instructional framework to guide teachers to implement it in the classroom. Therefore, this study focused on the development and evaluation of innovative instructional module for biology instruction among secondary school students. In the first phase, the instructional module was developed based on Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation (ADDIE) model and the framework for integrated STEM instruction. Ten (10) experts in science education validated the innovative module called integrated STEM instructional module (i-STEMim) in a two-round validation process. In the second phase, quasi-experimental design was adopted to determine the effects of the prepared i-STEMim. Using simple randomly sampling, two secondary schools were assigned to the i-STEMim and conventional group. To determine the effect of developed instructional material, quasi-experimental design was used. The i-STEMim group was 30 students while the traditional were 32 students. Pre-test and post-test data were collected using biology achievement test. The data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, dependent t-test and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). The finding shows that i-STEMim has good content validity and was suitable. dependent t-test analysis shows that the innovative instructional module enhances students' genetic achievement more than the conventional group. There was a significant difference between students that learned with i-STEMim and the conventional method in favour of the i-STEMim group. The findings of this study have implication for teachers’ instruction practices.</em></p> 2022-03-05T18:42:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY ADOLESCENTS’ AWARENESS OF CONTRACEPTIVES AND THEIR ADMINISTRATIONS IN GARAKU TOWN, NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA 2022-03-05T20:56:44+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>Total demand and contraceptive use are fundamental measures of access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). The paper analyzed the Adolescents’ Awareness of Contraceptives and their Administrations in Garaku Town, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. The social survey research design was adopted for this paper. Data were collected using qualitative and quantitative methods. 361 questionnaires were distributed among adolescents in Garaku Town, Kokona Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria through simple random sampling techniques and Focus Group Discussion were also carried out, and their responses were used to strengthen the responses gathered. Data collected showed that the majority of the respondents have the knowledge and practice of the use of contraceptives. The paper recommends the need for adequate and early sex education among adolescents to ensure that sexual practice is safe. Sexual education programmes will go a long way in ensuring that adolescents who engage in sexual intercourse protect themselves from risky sexual practices such as abortion, multiple partnering, early sexual debut and unplanned pregnancy. Also, the Provision of information about contraceptives should include the possible sources of contraceptives, especially where they could be accessed without embarrassment by the providers.</em></p> 2022-03-05T18:48:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY Accessibility and Utilization of Electronic Information Resources by Undergraduate Students of Lagos State University, Lagos 2022-03-05T20:56:45+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>The study investigated the access and use of Electronic Information Resources (EIR) among undergraduate students of Lagos State University. The population of the study comprised five thousand and three (5,003) registered users of the library’s e-resources unit, and a sample size of three hundred and eighty-three (383) students was obtained using Taro Yamane formula.&nbsp; As survey research, a questionnaire was used for data collection while simple random sampling was used to distribute the questionnaires. The findings of the study revealed that undergraduate students used EIR for educational purposes. E-journal was the most used e-resources, while erratic power supply was the major challenge facing the use of the EIR in the university library. The study recommends among others that the university library should create more awareness to promote better use of other forms of EIR, and adequate provision should also be made for an alternative source of power supply either solar energy or generating sets. </em></p> 2022-03-05T18:53:53+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY Influence of School Type on Undergraduates’ Access To and Attitude Towards the Utilisation of Social Media for Learning In Nigeria 2022-03-05T20:56:45+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of school type on undergraduates’ access to and attitude towards the utilisation of social media for learning in Nigeria. The study investigated: i. influence of school type on undergraduates’ access to social media for learning and ii. Influence of school type on undergraduates’ attitude towards social media for learning. The study was a descriptive research of the survey method using stratified, proportional and random sampling techniques to draw a sample of 1,121 undergraduates from a target population of 205,083 in nine universities in South-west, Nigeria. The instrument that was used for this study was adapted from studies conducted by Acar (2013), Yahya (2013) and Kevin, Mei-Miao and Magnus (2013). Two research hypotheses were formulated and tested in the study using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 significant level. The findings of the study indicated that there was a significant difference in undergraduates’ access to social media for learning based on school type with F (df 3, 1,117 = 3.86, p&lt;0.05) in favour of Federal universities and there was a significant difference in undergraduates’ attitude towards social media for learning based on school type with F (df 2, 1,118 = 3.68, p &lt; 0.05) in favour of Federal and State universities. It was however recommended among others that administrators and proprietors of private universities should work on modalities of incorporating social media use for teaching and learning to improve their undergraduates’ attitude to catch up with federal and state universities’ counterparts.&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> 2022-03-05T18:59:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY A Review of Factors Influencing Integration of Information Literacy Education in Nigerian Universities 2022-03-05T20:56:45+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>The importance of the integration of information literacy (IL) education in </em><em>today’s digital society has attracted the attention of scholars and university administrators across the globe.</em><em> This paper, aimed at determining the</em><em> numerous factors influencing the integration of IL education in Nigerian universities.</em><em>This was an attempt to bring together previously disjointed streams of studies to help shed more light on the factors influencing the integration of IL education Nigerian universities. The study adopted extant literature searching and review to ensure exhaustive coverage of related literature. The review concentrated mainly on studies that were pivotal to the subject matter including empirical and conceptual literature. </em><em>Findings of the reviewed studies identified </em><em>availability and accessibility; delivery methods; attitudes towards IL programmes; and perceived IL self-efficacy as the major factors influencing the implementation of IL education in Nigerian universities. The paper concluded that majority of the universities in Nigeria are yet to consolidate their IL programme due to the factors identified. This implies that the Nigerian undergraduate students' IL competence will remain very poor compared to undergraduate students in the developed countries. It is recommended that the NUC, which is the regulatory body of universities, be more proactive in ensuring the required standards for IL education are implemented.</em></p> 2022-03-05T19:04:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY Application and Use of Social Networking Sites for Promoting Archival Resources in the National Archives of Nigeria: An Integrated Framework Based on the Assumptions of Unified Theory and Use of Technology (UTAUT) 2022-03-05T20:56:46+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>The emergence and integration of new technological innovation and services forced Professionals from a different domain to identify the appropriate technology and facilities that can be applied to prove their professional practice and services. Notable among the new technological innovations was the emergence of Social Networking Sites platforms, which make it possible for professionals to communicate and share ideas with colleagues as well as enhance their practices and relationships with their clients. Archivists as professionals were not left out of this trend, as information professionals, they are to identify the appropriate platforms that they can be better applied to increase the visibility and public awareness with regards to the existence of archival institutions and promote the use of archival resources. With the application of modern technology platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, What Sapp, Skype, LinkedIn etc. Archival personnel have no alternative but to sort out the appropriate technological innovations and platforms that can be applied to enhance the services and activities of archival agencies. The paper was framed to serve a model specifically for the adoption of social networking technology in the services and operations of archival institutions in Nigeria. The paper was developed based on the assumptions of Unified Theory and Used of Technology. The assumptions of the model were cross-examined critically and evaluated within the perspective of the Nigerian Archival Institutions</em><em>.</em></p> 2022-03-05T19:35:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY GENDER DISPARITY AND CHALLENGES OF CAREGIVING AMONG THE ELDERLY IN KOGI STATE, NIGERIA 2022-03-05T20:56:46+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>Provision of care services for the elderly in Nigeria is in a recent time characterized by some challenges. This paper x-rayed Gender disparity and challenges of Caregiving among the Elderly in Kogi State, Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design. A multistage selection sampling process involving cluster and simple random sampling method was used in the selection of three hundred and fifty two (352) elderly within the age of sixty years (60) and above, from six Local Government Areas, which covers the three Senatorial districts in Kogi State, Nigeria. Primary and Secondary data were utilized in the study. The primary data gathered through questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively, while the data gathered through in-depth interview were qualitatively analyzed to complement and support the quantitative analysis. Data were presented in simple percentage tables. The major findings of the study indicate that, caregiving for the elderly in Nigeria has been characterized by some challenges, and the elderly had to adopt coping strategies to combat these challenges. Premised on these observations, the study recommends that there is need for the establishment of National Agency for the Care of the Elderly (N.A.C.E) in Nigeria. The agency to be established will be charged with the responsibility of identifying locations of the elderly in communities as well as designing a regulatory framework on modalities to which family members who want to keep and care for the elderly could operate since the primary responsibility of this agency will among other things house and care for the elderly. &nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> 2022-03-05T19:45:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER SELF-EFFICACY AND E-RESOURCES USE BY UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS OF FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF KASHERE, NIGERIA 2022-03-05T20:56:46+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>The study explores the relationship between computer self-efficacy and use of electronic information resources by undergraduate students of federal university of Kashere, Nigeria.</em><em> The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study w</em><em>a</em><em>s 2752 (400 level) undergraduate students of federal university of Kashere. </em><em>Proportionate random sampling method was considered suitable for the study because of the heterogeneous nature of the number of undergraduate students in the faculties being selected as some have large number of undergraduate students while others have few. </em><em>The sample size for the study was 550 drawn from the population. The study proceeds in four steps. First,</em><em> it examined the purpose(s) of use of&nbsp; e-resources by undergraduate</em><em> students. Second, it determined the frequency of use of e-resources by undergraduate students. Third, it determined the level of computer self-efficacy of undergraduate students and finally it examined the relationship between computer self-efficacy and e-resources use by undergraduate students in federal university of Kashere. The study was guiged by three research questions and one hypothesis. The instrument for the study was a self structured quetionnaire using a </em><em>Likert-type four (4) point scale ranging from Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD) with 4, 3, 2, 1 point value attached to the items.</em><em> The study found that the extent to which each sampled student’s use of electronic information resources is often directly proportional to the level of his/her computer self-efficacy. The study also, rolls out the measures by which the computer self-efficacy of students can be boosted, in order to bring about optimum utilization of the electronic information resources on offer at the library. This include: the </em><em>management of federal university should ensure that e-resources with adequate information and communication technology tools are subscribed to regularly, ensure that the teaching of computer skills to undergraduate students in the universities is promoted and </em><em>undergraduate students are to engage themselves in computer skills training regularly in order to be self-efficacy in the different aspects of computer. </em></p> 2022-03-05T19:58:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN MARRIAGE: ITS IMPLICATION ON EDUCATION 2022-03-05T20:56:47+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>The paper contemporary issues in marriage: its implication on education looks into the marriage institution and the purpose for its creation. Marriage is a union between two opposite sex. God is the initiator of marriage, Genesis 2:18, the Lord said ‘it’s not good for the man to live alone, I will make him a helper’. The reasons for this are when it was discovered that it was only Adam that was moving up and down in the Garden of Eden. Marriage is for companionship, sexual satisfaction and protection. But as man mingles with world there are now issues in marriage. Marriage can take any form to be legally acceptable in society. They are customary marriage, traditional marriage, religious marriage and civil marriage, any forms of these marriages without the touch of the people’s custom and tradition is not bounding, items requested by the bride family depends on the belief and tradition of the parent. Issues in marriage ranging from religious, culture, physical, economic and emotional. This has an implication on the education institution where some parents may withdraw their words when it is noticed that the teacher is having a marital problem. Recommendations were made such as married couples should allow the marriage to work.</em></p> 2022-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY NUMERICAL ABILITY: PREDICTOR OF SENIOR SCHOOL STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PHYSICS IN ILORIN 2022-03-05T20:56:47+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>For this study, students and school variables were considered in terms of student’ numerical ability, gender and school proprietorship. To this end, the study examined the students’ numerical ability as predictor of students’ academic performance; gender and school proprietorship (private and public) were considered as moderator variables. This study was descriptive survey type that employed the use of instrument tagged “Numerical Ability Test” and sampled 300 students across 6 public and private schools. The finding (Chi- square=18.573) of this study revealed that the students’ numerical ability knowledge was not enough to drive decision making, critical thinking and students’ ability to apply mathematical/numerical functions needed when learning mathematics- related aspects of physics. The findings also revealed that female students (M=16.5467) performed better than their male counterparts (M=14.9133) and private schools’ students (15.9800) outsmarted public schools’ students (15.4800) but the differences are not significant.</em></p> 2022-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND USABILITY OF A WEB LEARNING CLASSROOM FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN NIGERIA. A CASE STUDY OF ILORIN 2022-03-05T20:56:48+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>This study was conducted to explore the possibility of developing a Web Learning Classroom (WeLClass) and ascertaining its usability in Nigerian secondary schools using some schools in Ilorin, Kwara State as a case study. It was expected that this innovation would open personal learning opportunities to learners at the secondary school level. The WeLClass was designed as a school management system, such that learners can interact with instructional contents uploaded; teachers and school administrators can take attendance and conduct online assessment; and parents can monitor their wards academic progress. This study adopted a design-based approach as its methodology, while the sample size included purposively sampled: 3 Computer Programmers; 3 Educational Technology experts, 3 students’ parents, and 15 computer study students. All samples were selected based on their exposure and knowledge on web application. Three validated research instruments with a reliability value of 0.89 were employed, and three research questions were answered. The findings of the study were that a WeLClass for secondary schools in Nigeria can be developed; the computer programmers, educational technology experts, and parents rated WeLClass as usable; and students’ reaction to WeLClass was excellent. This study concluded that WeLClass gives opportunities for students independent learning; easy conduct of teaching job responsibilities; and monitoring is made easy for parents. This study recommended that school administrators should start adopting WeLClass in their school management and administrative endeavours. This should be aimed at providing seamless educational services to internal and external stakeholders.</em></p> 2022-03-05T20:23:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING IN GUIDANCE COUNSELLING 2022-03-05T20:56:48+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>This study examined the influence of information communication technology and effective teaching and learning of guidance and counselling in Nigeria. </em><em>The study used descriptive design of the survey type. The research instrument employed was a self-designed questionnaire titled ICT and effective teaching learning in guidance and counselling. The sample consists of 350 samples both students and academic staff of the college of education. The sample was selected using multistage random sampling. The students were selected using simple random sampling while the staffs were selected using purposive sampling techniques. Three hypotheses were generated to guide the study. </em><em>Percentage, mean score and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The result indicates that information communication Technology (ICT) facilities for counselling are limited in the University. The results also indicate that the level of information communication technology is very low. Based on findings of the study, it was recommended that government should make available ICT facilities in counselling laboratory of the UNN Ikere Campus in other to help facilitate effective guidance counselling and learning.</em></p> 2022-03-05T20:28:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS’ USE OF LIBRARY AND CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED IN SOUTH-WEST, NIGERIA 2022-03-05T20:56:48+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>This study </em><em>examined postgraduate students’ use of library and challenges encountered in South-west, Nigeria universities. It has been observed that most postgraduate students hardly patronise the library regularly. However, the effectiveness of any library service depends on its maximum utilisation; otherwise, it is as good as wasted. Therefore, it has become necessary to empirically establish the purpose of using the library and its challenges as this necessitates a need for this study. Survey research method was adopted while questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. The population of the study consisted of all postgraduate students in universities in South-west, Nigeria. A sample of 2,942 postgraduate students was selected using the </em><em>proportionate random sampling technique. </em><em>The face and content validity were ensured. The reliability was ascertained using test re-test method and a reliability coefficient of 0.83 was obtained. </em><em>The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics-frequency counts and percentages. The study revealed that most postgraduate students in South-west Nigerian Universities use the library for reading their personal note (94%), preparing for test and examination (92%), updating their knowledge and skills (92%). The study also found the constraints to the use of library as absence of regular orientation for the postgraduate students (45%), irregular ICT training (41%) and inadequate desktop computers to access databases (40%). Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that library management should continuously provide lasting solutions to the identified constraints to the use of library.</em></p> 2022-03-05T20:34:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY Influence of Multimedia on Students Learning of Business Studies in Ekiti State, Nigeria 2022-03-05T20:56:49+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>This study </em><em>examined the influence of </em><em>Multimedia on students learning of Business studies in Ekiti State Nigeria. This study specifically </em><em>addressed the teachers’ use of multimedia technology resources for teaching and learning of Business studies in junior secondary schools in Ekiti State. </em><em>The study adopted the descriptive research design of the survey type with the population of 1,086 teachers. The sample of 300 respondents was selected from 30 public junior secondary schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria.&nbsp; Multi-stage procedure which involved, simple random, stratified and purposive sampling techniques was used to select respondents for the study. The instrument tagged ‘Students Teachers ’Use of Multimedia for Teaching Business Studies Questionnaire’ (SSUMTBSQ) was used. The instrument was validated by experts. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Analysis of Variance was used to test the hypothesis. at 0.05 level of significance. </em><em>Teachers were not positively disposed to using multimedia technology resources in teaching and learning of business studies in junior secondary schools in Ekiti State. </em><em>The study, therefore recommended that relevant seminars and workshops should be organized by schools for teachers to increase utilization of multimedia technology resources to promote the development of students’ positive attitude to learning and their academic performance.</em></p> 2022-03-05T20:39:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY PERCEPTIONS OF IN–SCHOOL ADOLESCENTS IN KWARA STATE ON THE INFLUENCE OF BROKEN HOMES ON THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE 2022-03-05T20:56:49+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>This study examined the academic problems of in-school adolescents from broken homes in Kwara State. The descriptive survey research design was employed. A total of 600 respondents were drawn from 30 schools within the three senatorial districts in Kwara State. The distribution of respondents by gender indicated that 259(43.2%) were male while 341(56.8%) were female. On the other hand, the distribution of respondents by class showed that JSS and SSS class has 300 respondents each representing 50% each of the class level. Moreso, the distribution of respondents by the number of siblings indicated that 240(40%) of the respondents had neither brother nor sister, 237(37%) had 1or 2 brothers or sister while 127 representing 20% had 3 or more brothers or sisters. Qquestionnaire was used for data collection, the data collected were analyzed with the use of simple percentage, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The reliability of the instrument was determined using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and a reliability coefficient of 0.75 was obtained. Findings showed that in–school adolescents from broken homes have serious academic challenges, such as problems with studying, learning difficulties, payment of school fees and lateness to school. No significant differences were found based on gender, class level and the number of siblings. Thus, it was recommended that school counsellors should be employed in all schools where they are expected to provide necessary assistance to students, especially those from broken homes to enable the in-school adolescents to overcome their academic problems and challenges. </em></p> 2022-03-05T20:44:30+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY Active Pedagogy: Panacea to Adapted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model for Quality Education in Nigerian Colleges of Education 2022-03-05T20:56:50+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>This study investigated active pedagogy of the Adapted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model (AUTAUT) as panacea for integrating ICT to enhance quality education in Nigerian colleges of education (COEs). Six objectives and research questions with one hypothesis were involved in the study. The study adopted descriptive research design of survey type. The population of lecturers was 1,320 and 255 lecturers retuned completed instruments from the 258 distributed. The Multi-stage sampling procedure was used in selecting samples with (73 females, 182 male lecturers). Descriptive statistics were used to answer research questions while the hypothesis was tested using inferential statistics of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Bonferonis’ post-hoc analysis was used to locate sources of difference where significant differences were established. Findings revealed that lecturers had active pedagogy, relevant ICT competency and positive attitude towards integration of (AUTAUT) for teaching with weighted means of 2.53, 3.17 and 3.13, respectively as 2.50 was set as bench mark; also, lecturers’ gender had no influence on integration of ICT tools but area of specialization and teaching experience influenced active pedagogy of (AUTAUT) with (ANOVA F =0.024 and MANOVA F= 0.000 and where p&lt; 0.05 respectively). The study concluded that lecturers’ active pedagogy usage of UTAUT could be a panacea to integrating ICT tools, and it was recommended that (AUTAUT) could be incorporated into teaching in Nigerian COEs.</em></p> 2022-03-05T20:48:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY College of Education Pre-service Teachers’ Attitude towards Teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Oyo State, Nigeria 2022-03-05T20:56:50+00:00 JOLSELT JOLSELT <p><em>Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) is the lowest teaching certificate in Nigeria to teach in the lower, middle and upper basic schools in Nigeria. STEM education is a modern scientific approach of teaching and learning tasks and procedures to combat the challenges of the twenty first century. This study investigated </em><em>College of Education Pre-service Teachers’ Attitude towards Teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Oyo State, Nigeria.</em><em> Five public and private Colleges of Education in Oyo State were purposively sampled for the study. Descriptive research of the survey method was used for this study. Purposive sampling technique was used to target 433 final year Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer, Agricultural Science, Mathematics and Integrated Science (STEM) students for this study. Three hypotheses were raised for the study. The hypotheses were tested using T- test. It was observed that the level of pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy towards STEM teaching was low and pre-service teachers have negative attitudes towards STEM &nbsp;&nbsp;teaching. Also, gender has no influence on the pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy and attitude towards STEM teaching.&nbsp; Moreover, school type whether private or public college of education does not influence the </em><em>level of self-efficacy beliefs of pre-service STEM teachers towards STEM teaching.</em></p> 2022-03-05T20:54:13+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY, SCIENCE EDUCATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY