Application and Use of Social Networking Sites for Promoting Archival Resources in the National Archives of Nigeria: An Integrated Framework Based on the Assumptions of Unified Theory and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
Kabiru Ubale
The emergence and integration of new technological innovation and services forced Professionals from a different domain to identify the appropriate technology and facilities that can be applied to prove their professional practice and services. Notable among the new technological innovations was the emergence of Social Networking Sites platforms, which make it possible for professionals to communicate and share ideas with colleagues as well as enhance their practices and relationships with their clients. Archivists as professionals were not left out of this trend, as information professionals, they are to identify the appropriate platforms that they can be better applied to increase the visibility and public awareness with regards to the existence of archival institutions and promote the use of archival resources. With the application of modern technology platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, What Sapp, Skype, LinkedIn etc. Archival personnel have no alternative but to sort out the appropriate technological innovations and platforms that can be applied to enhance the services and activities of archival agencies. The paper was framed to serve a model specifically for the adoption of social networking technology in the services and operations of archival institutions in Nigeria. The paper was developed based on the assumptions of Unified Theory and Used of Technology. The assumptions of the model were cross-examined critically and evaluated within the perspective of the Nigerian Archival Institutions.