Journal of Library, Science Education and Learning Technology (JOLSELT) Volume 2, Number 1 edition.
The Journal of Library, Science Education and Learning Technology (JOLSELT) ISSN: 2705-3539 & e-ISSN: 2705-3520 is an official blind peer-reviewed Journal of the Department of Science Education, Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria that provides scholarly information concerning contemporary issues affecting the education system. JOLSELT hereby invites original, quality, and unpublished EMPIRICAL scholarly manuscripts from all fields of Education, Library and Information Science, Innovative learning, other related fields for possible publication in her Volume 2, Number 1 edition.
Target Audience
The target audience from whom contributions are expected include but is not limited to academics in higher institutions, primary and secondary school teachers, educational policymakers, educational planners, institutional administrators, librarians, employees of research institutes and education agencies, employees of the Ministries of Education, postgraduate students, educational consultants, and private school owners.
Processing Fee & Payment Advice
Manuscript Assessment Fee: ₦5,000:00 (Non-Refundable)
Publication Fee: ₦10,000:00 (Subject to Manuscript Acceptance)
Bank Details:
Account Name: Department of Science Education
Bank: United Bank for Africa Plc
Account Number: 101-9961-443
Submission Format and Procedure
The manuscript should not be more than 4,500 words (including title page, abstract, references, tables and figures) with an informative abstract of not more than 250 words and a list of 3 – 5 keywords on a separate sheet. The paper should conform with APA format 7th edition. Main headings should be centred and typed with initial caps while auxiliary headings should start from left margins. Paragraph headings should be indented and italicized. The entire manuscript should be formatted in Times New Roman font 11, and 1.5 line spacing. All submissions are strictly online as MS-Word attachment via, copy Print submission is, however, accepted where possible.
Important Events and Due Dates
Manuscript Submission Opens October 1, 2019
Manuscript Submission Closes March 15, 2020
Manuscripts Review February 16 – April 15, 2020
Revised Manuscripts & Galley Proof Submission April 30, 2020
Publication Release May 30, 2020
Dr. Hameed Olalekan Bolaji Dr. Semiu Olawale Makinde
Ag. Head/ Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor,
Department of Science Education, Department of Science Education
Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin, Nigeria
Tel:+ 2348034362624 Tel: +2348062818366/+2347080045019
NB: Please, contact the Managing Editor, in case any of the above due dates have passed.